Monday, October 23, 2006

Our day went bad at lunch time today.Mark a friend who is doing some work for us at our new house called to say that he found the back door to the garage open and it had been jimmie open.I went all cold while Mark continued to tell what had happened.All those feels come running back.Panick,fear and the need to get justice(I really mean to beat the c&*p out of the low life who have done this to us again).

We dropped Katelyn and Max at my lovely friend Keren's as we didn't want the kids to know.Our shipping container was robbed a week before christmas last year and the kids didn't held that well.
So we are keeping it from them this time.

Luck our security man isn't one of the guys who is holding us up.And the alarm sent them packing.They only got into the garage.Thank goodness.
So I would hate to think how much the locksmith bill will be.

It rained here today so we didn't get any painting done today.The kids had a great time play fight with Tony and watching videos.

I am off to bed now.


Anonymous said...

Oh that sucks lynda. Like you said at least the alarm sent them packing and you had Mark alerting you to the fact.

Kathy said...

That's horrible Lynda, what a nasty shock for you.

sending hugs your way...

Hannah said...

Oh Lynda, that is terrible!! I'm sorry that happened to you, what an awful shock. ((HUGS))

Kelly Slattery said...

Oh Lynda I feel for you...{{hugs}}

tanyaleigh said...

Sorry to hear Lynda.. It's bad enough once let alone twice. Hope you are all well and sending my thoughts your way....Take Care