Tony is modeling the Tee's we had made for the Mucking Show.

We had a few made as Tony's Dad and Brother Steve helped and Katelyn and Max wanted 1 each.Oh and hats,a must in Sunny
Hawkes Bay.LOL.All good to help with self promotion.LOL.Fun thing was the
paver guys had done the same thing and had
choosen the same colour T-shirt.Funny.

So here is the Firth's Outdoor Fire Place starting to take place.It all comes in casted sections ,which have to be put on a foundation.Each section has to be put over steel which is cemented into the foundations.So this is a very heavy and tricky job,
lifting such big heavy section up over the top of the steel.Then the fire bricks are placed.

Here is Tony on the left,his Dad Harold in the middle and his brother Steve on the right.The guys in the background are the
Now for some reason blogger doesn't like me uploading to many photo's at once and I am going to try and add the rest without having to do
lots of post.
No sorry can't seem to do it.