Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Hey can you tell I have worked out how to upload photo's today,hence 3 entries.
Now I still need to work out how to do links and have a side bar thing to have peoples blogs I like to visit.


This is my card for the 2nd Dare:from the kitchen.
I used Poppy Seeds,Sunflower Seeds and Tin Foil. Posted by Picasa
  Posted by Picasa

This my entry for the 1st Dare."Friends".
It's just a bit of cardstock,handstitching,rub-ons,stickers and a flower cut out from Three Bugs in a Rug:Rhapsody Collection - Bliss.

Look what I came home to yesterday!!!

Thank-you very much Janine.You made my day!!!
I had had a rotten weekend for a number of reasons.
And you made my Monday so BEAUTIFUL.
THANK_YOU DEAR FRIEND!!! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Second Dare -from the kitchen

My card was made from poppy seeds,
sunflower seeds and tin foil.
This dare was lots of fun.

I wonder what next weeks will be?

Thursday, October 26, 2006

I have been tagged by Ann.

1.Things that scare me:
- my children getting ill or hurt
- the state of the world we live in today
- dying before I see my children becoming parents

2. People who make me laugh:
- Katelyn and Max
- Tony
- Sharyn and Vicki
3. Things I hate the most:
-running out of time
- rude and inconsiderate people
- being tired and grumpy
4. Things I don't understand:
- Theifs
- Computers

5. Things I'm doing right now:
-thinking of my bed.
- blogging
6. Things I want to do before I die:
- visit Africa
- Checkout Europe
- explore all of NZ
7. Things I can do:
- talk!!!!
- make a mean chocolate cake.
- shopping!!!
8. Ways to describe my personality:
- laid back
- generous
- impatient
9. Things I can't do:
- waterski
- back a trailor
- go to bed early
10.Things I think you should listen to:
- your children
- your gut instinct
- your mother
11. Things you should never listen to:
- bad music
- negativity
- one opinion
12. Things I'd like to learn:
- to be a better photographer
- how to be a better mother
- manage my time better!!
13. Favorite foods:
- avocado
- chicken
- Chocolate cake(made by Tony)
14. Beverages I drink regularly:
- water
- milo
15. Shows I watched as a kid:
- After school
- The Muppets
-Disney Movies
16. Persons I'm tagging:
- Neen
- Kate T

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Dave's op went well.It took about 2 hours .

Mum talked to him at 7pm and he couldn't stay awake to talk.

So I will talk to him tomarrow.Sweet Dreams Dave!!

Ok back to watch Bad Girls with Tony.
I am thinking of my younger brother Dave today as he is having his back opperated on today in Invercargill.I wish I could be there with him.

It sucks living at opposite ends of the country.Oh funny I just received a text from my sister in law erin.He has just gone in.

Dave was looking forward to the sleep.LOLHe has been going bad on the farm trying to get everything finished.

Great news the plumber is starting the outside drains at our house today.It will be great to have toilets.LOL.

Who is going to "Scrapped" the Movie?

Well better do some more jobs on my list.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Our day went bad at lunch time today.Mark a friend who is doing some work for us at our new house called to say that he found the back door to the garage open and it had been jimmie open.I went all cold while Mark continued to tell what had happened.All those feels come running back.Panick,fear and the need to get justice(I really mean to beat the c&*p out of the low life who have done this to us again).

We dropped Katelyn and Max at my lovely friend Keren's as we didn't want the kids to know.Our shipping container was robbed a week before christmas last year and the kids didn't held that well.
So we are keeping it from them this time.

Luck our security man isn't one of the guys who is holding us up.And the alarm sent them packing.They only got into the garage.Thank goodness.
So I would hate to think how much the locksmith bill will be.

It rained here today so we didn't get any painting done today.The kids had a great time play fight with Tony and watching videos.

I am off to bed now.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Can I do this.I think I can.Very spooky.
Um what do I say.

Firstly I would like to thank Jane for setting this up for me.THANKS JANE.YOU ROCK!!

Secondly I would like to thank my Mum and Dad.Noooooooo
Just kidding.

Hey check this out:http://daringcardmakers.blogspot.com/

It's a very cool blog with cardmaking dares.Which has lots of very talented ladies from NZ and the UK.

So I dare you to try your luck.

Today Tony and I ,oh and our 'little people 'have been painting the outside of our house!Thats what Labour weekend is about.Right.
Well it is at our house.And it is at Katelyns boyfriends house.Lewis is helping his Dad to paint the roof.

Oh and our neighbour Dave came over to help design our new garden.He has a native nursery with his wife Sue.They are cool neighbours.

After afternoon tea we had a water fight with water pistols.Great fun.

Go Wellington for the rugby tonight.Mum is going to the game with her twin sister Dallas.That will be a blast.They both back opposing teams.LOL

Ok better bath my darlings now,LOL I feel like another water fight.

oh and I know I can't spell,just close your eyes.LOL